2022 April Ramps

Hello everyone.

After being unavailable for two years, ramps are back on the menu!

The order page is currently active and accepting orders. I will ship on a first come, first serve basis. I don’t know how many I will be able to ship, or how long I will be shipping. The weather has been all over the place for the past three weeks with temperatures in the 70s midweek and back to snowing on the weekends. Fingers crossed that this weather pattern quickly changes to nicer weekends so I can get some of these highly sought after Appalachian jewels shipped out to your door.

The ramp order page is located here:

Wild Ramps


  1. Allen Eugene Rayfield

    Looking forward to some fresh ramps

  2. Hope

    I’m so glad I found this site!

  3. Kim Formichella

    Thank you Bucky!!! These are the best ramps ever!!! I’ve purchased from other vendors after yours are sold out and nothing compares!!! Keep doing what you do and have a great year!!! Kim F.

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Wild West Virginia Ramps