2024 Early Fall Ramp Bulbs #2

Hello everyone. Just a quick updated to let you know that I was able to get out and get several more ramp bulbs so if you missed out on the first batch, I have more to ship out now.

Now is an excellent time to get your ramp bulbs. They are just right for canning, pickling, eating, or planting for a harvest next year.

Ramps, with their unique flavor and ability to enhance a variety of dishes, are a fantastic investment for both your current culinary adventures and future harvests.

You can find the ramp bulb order page here https://wildwestvirginiaramps.com/order-ramp-bulbs/

1 Comment

  1. beverly watkins

    will you have ramps to mail out this season live in virginia from w.va miss them

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Wild West Virginia Ramps