Ramps And Red Potatoes
If you like ramps and you like potatoes (WHO DOESN’T!?), then you’re going to love this simple little recipe. It serves four so you will need to adjust as necessary. And don’t worry about making too much, I think it tastes even better when warmed over the next day.
Iron skillet (ok, this is optional – but ramps do cook better in an iron pan, we think – as least our mommas thought so!)
4 or 5 large red potatoes, diced
1 lb. bacon
2 or 3 bunches of ramps, cleaned and cut up – [if you don’t have any you can always use our ramp seasonings or ramp flakes instead]
6 eggs (optional)
salt and pepper to taste
Fry bacon in skillet. (and NO veggie oil is NOT okay … well use it if you must)
Remove bacon from pan and set aside.
Put cut up potatoes in bacon grease and let fry 3 to 4 minutes.
Add cut up ramps and continue frying until potatoes are well done (15 -20 minutes).
Place previously fried bacon on top of potatoes and ramps; let simmer for about 2 minutes.
If you want to add scrambled eggs, add after potatoes are done and before adding bacon.