While my goal is to only grow Italian originated plants America does have one botanical treasure that the Italians don’t have… ramps!

Ramps are a type of American wild leek that taste like a cross between a garlic and an onion. They are extremely pungent but at the same time have an exquisite earthy flavor. As you cook them they get milder and develop that delicious garlic/onion flavor. You can find out more about ramps here.

I was able to source about a 100 ramp bulbs from a farm down in West Virginia (Mail order only). I just got them a few days ago and today was a perfect day to plant them. Since my garden is already allocated to the max with future plant homes, I decided that the best way to grow these ramps was in one of the available 4×4 raised beds I had. All I did was dig my trowel about 7 inches deep into the soil and moved it left to right in order to make a ‘V’ shaped well for the ramp bulb. I kept the spacing pretty close as I want the bed to get filled with ramps. Once the bed is established I plan to take chunks of ramps and transplant them out to other areas of the property other than the garden.

You can order ramp bulbs here.

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