Shipping Wild Ramps – The first part of this weeks orders

Here is a little insight on how we ship our ramps. What you see in the baskets is half of all of this weeks orders. We dug these today, sorted and stacked them as we dug. After much digging we brought them home and put them in the baskets. From here they will go into our cooler so they stay fresh.

Tomorrow we will go out at first light and dig the other half of this weeks orders, and do the same thing to those.  The shipping labels and boxes will be prepared over the weekend, and the ramps will be packaged and shipped first thing Monday morning. (The lady at the post office really “loves” ramp day. She grimaces every Monday when she sees me coming with boxes and boxes of the odoriferous green forest herbs. I don’t think she likes the smell.)

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I apologize for the poor picture quality. I was taking photos under the porch light.

As you can see from the pictures, the ramps are now quite large. I expect that next weeks orders will likely be the last ones for the year. We might, and I stress the word might,  get one more week after that from some large ramp patches that are quite a bit higher in elevation, but I can’t make any promises. Once they start growing, they grow quickly. And once they start to flower, the season is over as the leaves begin to turn yellow while the plant begins to make preparations to spread its seeds and survive the summer heat.

So far it has been a good year for us ramp connoisseurs, but the ramp season only seems to get shorter each year. When I first started this little project about six years ago, it seemed to last for about six weeks. But that could just be my memory failing me. It would be nice if the ramp season would last for two or three months, but it doesn’t. Perhaps I should build some large air conditioned green houses to extend the ramp season….wouldn’t that be nice.