
Now that ramp season is behind us, I find myself with a lot of time to read. Here are the latest two books that I read and I wanted to share them with you. I really enjoyed reading these books and I feel that you will enjoy them also.

The first one is Farming the Woods: An Integrated Permaculture Approach to Growing Food and Medicinals in Temperate Forests.

And the second one is The Art of Cooking Morels.


I highly recommend these books! I have thoroughly enjoyed them.

farming in the woods

Farming the Woods covers in detail how to cultivate, harvest, and market high-value non-timber forest crops such as American ginseng, shiitake mushrooms, ramps (wild leeks), maple syrup, fruit and nut trees, ornamental ferns, and more. Comprehensive information is also offered on historical perspectives of forest farming; mimicking the forest in a changing climate; cultivation of medicinal crops; creating a forest nursery; harvesting and utilizing wood products; the role of animals in the forest farm; and how to design and manage your forest farm once it’s set up. This book is a must-read for farmers and gardeners interested in incorporating aspects of agroforestry, permaculture, forest gardening, and sustainable woodlot management into the concept of a whole-farm organism.

the art of cooking morels

Morels have captured the imagination of America’s cooks: more than any other mushroom, they entice chefs to forage in the wilderness each spring, attempting to find the treasured, honeycombed fungus in its hiding places in the wild. In The Art of Cooking Morels , Ruth Mossok Johnston brings together more than 80 recipes for this delicacy, suitable for cooking with fresh mushrooms in season or dried year-round. The recipes, accompanied by stunning full-color illustrations, offer options for appetizers, soups, entrées, and side dishes from simple and elegant to exotic and sophisticated, and always mindful of highlighting the delicate morel. Johnston’s recipes are heart healthy, inventive, and delicious. The author also includes instructions for handling, storing, and preserving morels.