It’s official. Fall has arrived in dramatic fashion. The leaves are quickly changing into vibrant colors of yellow, orange, and red. High School football games are in full swing and it’s homecoming for a lot of them. Homecoming parades, games, and dances have likely consumed the time from a lot of families this weekend.

While I was in the deer blind with my son this morning (today is the first day of bowhunting season here in WV) we watched thousands of leaves fall off the branches and hit the ground in seemingly endless supply. We didn’t get a deer this morning, but it was nice to be out in the quiet calm of the woods for an extended time.

Over the past couple of days, we restocked our ramp bulb levels and have a large quantity to sell once again. So if you missed out on the last batch, make sure you get some now. These bulbs are fat and gorgeous, perfect for making some caramelized ramp bulbs, pickled ramps bulbs, or just about any other dish you want to make with them. Of course they can just as easily be planted right now so you will have your own ramp greens ready to harvest in the spring.

As more and more leaves come off the trees, the bulbs get harder to find so there is no guarantee that I will have more at a later date. Although I certainly hope that I do.

The ramp bulb order page is located here