As the spring of 2021 draws near, I can’t help but be reminded of this time last year, when everything was suddenly shut down, toilet paper was scarce, and millions of people were wondering what was going to happen to them. It was a difficult time for most people.
I made a tough decision to not ship ramps last year due to the problems that USPS was having getting packages delivered on time. As we all know, once ramps begin to leaf out, they are quite fragile after being harvested. A couple of days in the mail is all they can withstand before they start to wilt and rot. With USPS experiencing (sometimes quite lengthy) delays in package delivering, it was the choice that had to be made. Ramp bulbs, on the other hand, are quite hardy and do very well during shipping, even when they are delayed.
So here we are, knocking on the door of spring ramp season once again. The postal service has gotten better and delivering packages within their two day priority mail window, but they still haven’t got back to where they were in pre-pandemic times. Unfortunately for all of us, a tough decision has once again been made to not ship spring ramps this year. I do have an alternative to offer you this time, even though I understand it’s not ideal for everyone.
I have ramp bulbs that are ready to be planted. You can plant them directly in the ground, plant them in pots, in some totes filled with dirt, flower beds, or anywhere else you can think of. If your not planning on creating a long term patch and you just want some spring ramps, you can plant them just about anywhere you like and harvest them as soon as they start to leaf out or after the leaves get large. They grow very quickly. I’ve even grown them in my house (in flower pots of course) so I could have a skillet full before anyone else did. You will be able to have the ultimate fresh ramp experience by digging them up, cleaning them, and eating them the same day.
I hope that everything is back to normal next spring, and I can continue to supply you with freshly dug ramps. Until then, my ramp bulbs are available here: Buy Ramp Bulbs

Hello from NYC! I’ve purchased from you the past few years and I wanted to post a quick note to say I support you 100% for the decision you made to not ship ramp plants again this year. We owe it to the ramps to let them multiply their stock in the ground while the pandemic-related shipping delays that may cause waste are sorted out.
Thank you for the ramp update. Rampdate! Will you offer your ramp seasoning this year, or is that on hold as well?
Ramp seasoning should be fine this year. I won’t have anymore until summer though.
Hey Bucky, why not offer an overnight option? It’s more expensive to ship, but I’m sure some of us would be willing to pay it this once. I had to order ramps elsewhere last year and they required overnight shipping, it was pricey but they were in great shape.
Hi Buckey! Curious as to the answer to above question of overnight shipping. I too would be willing to pay. I’m going to order some bulbs to give that a whirl, but don’t have ideal conditions so would love some fresh picked ramps once the bloom 🙂
It is a possibility – overnight shipping is pricey though!
Hi from Colorado! Just wanted to chime in with everyone else to say I appreciate your reasoning for not using USPS, and also that I would be willing to pay extra for overnight or fedex 2 day shipping. 🙂
can i pick them up